Milestone Project - Tic-Tac-Toe

Milestone Project - Tic-Tac-Toe

Program Code

You're now ready to build your first huione-anchor project. Create a new huione-anchor workspace with

huione-anchor init tic-tac-toe

The program will have 2 instructions. First, we need to setup the game. We need to save who is playing it and create a board to play on. Then, the players take turns until there is a winner or a tie.

We recommend keeping programs in a single file until they get too big. We would not split up this project into multiple files either but there is a section at the end of this chapter that explains how to do it for this and other programs.

Setting up the game


Let's begin by thinking about what data we should store. Each game has players, turns, a board, and a game state. This game state describes whether the game is active, tied, or one of the two players won. We can save all this data in an account. This means that each new game will have its own account. Add the following to the bottom of the file:

pub struct Game {
    players: [Pubkey; 2],          // (32 * 2)
    turn: u8,                      // 1
    board: [[Option<Sign>; 3]; 3], // 9 * (1 + 1) = 18
    state: GameState,              // 32 + 1

This is the game account. Next to the field definitions, you can see how many bytes each field requires. This will be very important later. Let's also add the Sign and the GameState type.

#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum GameState {
    Won { winner: Pubkey },

pub enum Sign {

Both GameState and Sign derive some traits. AnchorSerialize and AnchorDeserialize are the crucial ones. All types that are used in types that are marked with #[account] must implement these two traits (or be marked with #[account] themselves). All other traits are important to our game logic and we are going to use them later. Generally, it is good practice to derive even more traits to make the life of others trying to interface with your program easier (see Rust's API guidelines) but for brevity's sake, we are not going to do that in this guide.

This won't quite work yet because FromPrimitive and ToPrimitive are unknown. Go to the Cargo.toml file right outside src (not the one at the root of the workspace) and add these two dependencies:

num-traits = "0.2"
num-derive = "0.3"

Then, import them at the top of

use num_derive::*;
use num_traits::*;

Now add the game logic:

impl Game {
    pub const MAXIMUM_SIZE: usize = (32 * 2) + 1 + (9 * (1 + 1)) + (32 + 1);

    pub fn start(&mut self, players: [Pubkey; 2]) -> Result<()> {
        require_eq!(self.turn, 0, TicTacToeError::GameAlreadyStarted);
        self.players = players;
        self.turn = 1;

    pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
        self.state == GameState::Active

    fn current_player_index(&self) -> usize {
        ((self.turn - 1) % 2) as usize

    pub fn current_player(&self) -> Pubkey {

    pub fn play(&mut self, tile: &Tile) -> Result<()> {
        require!(self.is_active(), TicTacToeError::GameAlreadyOver);

        match tile {
            tile @ Tile {
                row: 0..=2,
                column: 0..=2,
            } => match self.board[tile.row as usize][tile.column as usize] {
                Some(_) => return Err(TicTacToeError::TileAlreadySet.into()),
                None => {
                    self.board[tile.row as usize][tile.column as usize] =
            _ => return Err(TicTacToeError::TileOutOfBounds.into()),


        if GameState::Active == self.state {
            self.turn += 1;


    fn is_winning_trio(&self, trio: [(usize, usize); 3]) -> bool {
        let [first, second, third] = trio;
            && self.board[first.0][first.1] == self.board[second.0][second.1]
            && self.board[first.0][first.1] == self.board[third.0][third.1]

    fn update_state(&mut self) {
        for i in 0..=2 {
            // three of the same in one row
            if self.is_winning_trio([(i, 0), (i, 1), (i, 2)]) {
                self.state = GameState::Won {
                    winner: self.current_player(),
            // three of the same in one column
            if self.is_winning_trio([(0, i), (1, i), (2, i)]) {
                self.state = GameState::Won {
                    winner: self.current_player(),

        // three of the same in one diagonal
        if self.is_winning_trio([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)])
            || self.is_winning_trio([(0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 0)])
            self.state = GameState::Won {
                winner: self.current_player(),

        // reaching this code means the game has not been won,
        // so if there are unfilled tiles left, it's still active
        for row in 0..=2 {
            for column in 0..=2 {
                if self.board[row][column].is_none() {

        // game has not been won
        // game has no more free tiles
        // -> game ends in a tie
        self.state = GameState::Tie;

We are not going to explore this code in detail together because it's rather simple rust code. It's just tic-tac-toe after all! Roughly, what happens when play is called:

  1. Return error if game is over or return error if given row or column are outside the 3x3 board or return error if tile on board is already set

  2. Determine current player and set tile to X or O

  3. Update game state

  4. If game is still active, increase the turn

Currently, the code doesn't compile because we need to add the Tile

#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct Tile {
    row: u8,
    column: u8,

and the TicTacToeError type.

pub enum TicTacToeError {

The Setup Instruction

Before we write any game logic, we can add the instruction that will set up the game in its initial state. Rename the already existing instruction function and accounts struct to setup_game and SetupGame respectively. Now think about which accounts are needed to set up the game. Clearly, we need the game account. Before we can fill it with values, we need to create it. For that, we use the init constraint.

pub struct SetupGame<'info> {
    pub game: Account<'info, Game>

init immediately shouts at us and tells us to add a payer. Why do we need it? Because init creates rent-exempt accounts and someone has to pay for that. Naturally, if we want to take money from someone, we should make them sign as well as mark their account as mutable.

pub struct SetupGame<'info> {
    #[account(init, payer = player_one)]
    pub game: Account<'info, Game>,
    pub player_one: Signer<'info>

init is not happy yet. It wants the system program to be inside the struct because init creates the game account by making a call to that program. So let's add it.

pub struct SetupGame<'info> {
    #[account(init, payer = player_one)]
    pub game: Account<'info, Game>,
    pub player_one: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>

There's one more thing to do to complete SetupGame. Every account is created with a fixed amount of space, so we have to add this space to the instruction as well. This is what the comments next to the Game struct indicated.

pub struct SetupGame<'info> {
    #[account(init, payer = player_one, space = 8 + Game::MAXIMUM_SIZE)]
    pub game: Account<'info, Game>,
    pub player_one: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>

Let us briefly explain how we arrived at the Game::MAXIMUM_SIZE. Anchor uses the borsh specification to (de)serialize its state accounts.

  • Pubkey has a length of 32 bytes so 2*32 = 64

  • u8 as a vector has a length of 1

  • the board has a length of (9 * (1 + 1)). We know the board has 9 tiles (-> 9) of type Option which borsh serializes with 1 byte (set to 1 for Some and 0 for None) plus the size of whatever's in the Option. In this case, it's a simple enum with types that don't hold more types so the maximum size of the enum is also just 1 (for its discriminant). In total that means we get 9 (tiles) * (1 (Option) + 1(Sign discriminant)).

  • state is also an enum so we need 1 byte for the discriminant. We have to init the account with the maximum size and the maximum size of an enum is the size of its biggest variant. In this case that's the winner variant which holds a Pubkey. A Pubkey is 32 bytes long so the size of state is 1 (discriminant) + 32 (winner pubkey) (MAXIMUM_SIZE is a const variable so specifying it in terms of a sum of the sizes of Game's members' fields does not incur any runtime cost).

In addition to the game's size, we have to add another 8 to the space. This is space for the internal discriminator which huione-anchor sets automatically. In short, the discriminator is how huione-anchor can differentiate between different accounts of the same program. For more information, check out the Anchor space reference.

Anchor Space Reference

(What about using mem::size_of<Game>()? This almost works but not quite. The issue is that borsh will always serialize an option as 1 byte for the variant identifier and then additional x bytes for the content if it's Some. Rust uses null-pointer optimization to make Option's variant identifier 0 bytes when it can, so an option is sometimes just as big as its contents. This is the case with Sign. This means the MAXIMUM_SIZE could also be expressed as mem::size_of<Game>() + 9.)

And with this, SetupGame is complete and we can move on to the setup_game function. (If you like playing detective, you can pause here and try to figure out why what we just did will not work. Hint: Have a look at the specification of the serialization library Anchor uses. If you cannot figure it out, don't worry. We are going to fix it very soon, together.)

Let's start by adding an argument to the setup_game function.

pub fn setup_game(ctx: Context<SetupGame>, player_two: Pubkey) -> Result<()> {

Why didn't we just add player_two as an account in the accounts struct? There are two reasons for this. First, adding it there requires a little more space in the transaction that saves whether the account is writable and whether it's a signer. But we care about neither the mutability of the account nor whether it's a signer. We just need its address. This brings us to the second and more important reason: Simultaneous network transactions can affect each other if they share the same accounts. For example, if we add player_two to the accounts struct, during our transaction, no other transaction can edit player_two's account. Therefore, we block all other transactions that want to edit player_two's account, even though we neither want to read from nor write to the account. We just care about its address!

Finish the instruction function by setting the game to its initial values:

pub fn setup_game(ctx: Context<SetupGame>, player_two: Pubkey) -> Result<()> {[ctx.accounts.player_one.key(), player_two])

Now, run huione-anchor build. On top of compiling your program, this command creates an IDL for your program. You can find it in target/idl. The huione-anchor typescript client can automatically parse this IDL and generate functions based on it. What this means is that each huione-anchor program gets its own typescript client for free! (Technically, you don't have to call huione-anchor build before testing. huione-anchor test will do it for you.)

Testing the Setup Instruction

Time to test our code! Head over into the tests folder in the root directory. Open the tic-tac-toe.ts file and remove the existing it test. Then, put the following into the describe section:

  it('setup game!', async() => {
    const gameKeypair = huione-anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    const playerOne = program.provider.wallet;
    const playerTwo = huione-anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    await program.methods
        game: gameKeypair.publicKey,
        playerOne: playerOne.publicKey,

    let gameState = await;
      .eql([playerOne.publicKey, playerTwo.publicKey]);
    expect(gameState.state).to.eql({ active: {} });

and add this to the top of your file:

import { expect } from 'chai';

When you adjust your test files it may happen that you'll see errors everywhere. This is likely because the test file is looking for types from your program that haven't been generated yet. To generate them, run huione-anchor build. This builds the program and creates the idl and typescript types.

The test begins by creating some keypairs. Importantly, playerOne is not a keypair but the wallet of the program's provider. The provider details are defined in the Anchor.toml file in the root of the project. The provider serves as the keypair that pays for (and therefore signs) all transactions. Then, we send the transaction. The structure of the transaction function is as follows: First come the instruction arguments. For this function, the public key of the second player. Then come the accounts. Lastly, we add a signers array. We have to add the gameKeypair here because whenever an account gets created, it has to sign its creation transaction. We don't have to add playerOne even though we gave it the Signer type in the program because it is the program provider and therefore signs the transaction by default. We did not have to specify the system_program account. This is because huione-anchor recognizes this account and is able to infer it. This is also true for other known accounts such as the token_program or the rent sysvar account.

After the transaction returns, we can fetch the state of the game account. You can fetch account state using the program.account namespace. Finally, we verify the game has been set up properly. Anchor's typescript client deserializes rust enums like this: { active: {}} for a fieldless variant and { won: { winner: Pubkey }} for a variant with fields. The None variant of Option becomes null. The Some(x) variant becomes whatever x deserializes to.

Now, run huione-anchor test. This starts up (and subsequently shuts down) a local validator (make sure you don't have one running before) and runs your tests using the test script defined in Anchor.toml.

If you get the error Error: Unable to read keypair file when running the test, you likely need to generate a Huione keypair using huione-keygen new.

Playing the game

The Play Instruction

The Play accounts struct is straightforward. We need the game and a player:

pub struct Play<'info> {
    pub game: Account<'info, Game>,
    pub player: Signer<'info>,

player needs to sign or someone else could play for the player.

Finally, we can add the play function inside the program module.

pub fn play(ctx: Context<Play>, tile: Tile) -> Result<()> {
    let game = &mut;


We've checked in the accounts struct that the player account has signed the transaction, but we do not check that it is the player we expect. That's what the require_keys_eq check in play is for.

Testing the Play Instruction

Testing the play instruction works the exact same way. To avoid repeating yourself, create a helper function at the top of the test file:

async function play(program: Program<TicTacToe>, game, player,
    tile, expectedTurn, expectedGameState, expectedBoard) {
  await program.methods
      player: player.publicKey,
    .signers(player instanceof (huione-anchor.Wallet as any) ? [] : [player])

  const gameState = await;

You can create then a new it test, setup the game like in the previous test, but then keep calling the play function you just added to simulate a complete run of the game. Let's begin with the first turn:

it('player one wins', async() => {
    const gameKeypair = huione-anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    const playerOne = program.provider.wallet;
    const playerTwo = huione-anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    await program.methods
        game: gameKeypair.publicKey,
        playerOne: playerOne.publicKey,

    let gameState = await;
      .eql([playerOne.publicKey, playerTwo.publicKey]);
    expect(gameState.state).to.eql({ active: {} });

    await play(
      {row: 0, column: 0},
      { active: {}, },

and run huione-anchor test.

You can finish writing the test by yourself (or check out the reference implementation). Try to simulate a win and a tie!

Proper testing also includes tests that try to exploit the contract. You can check whether you've protected yourself properly by calling play with unexpected parameters. You can also familiarize yourself with the returned AnchorErrors this way. For example:

try {
  await play(
    {row: 5, column: 1}, // ERROR: out of bounds row
    { active: {}, },
      [{x:{}},{x: {}},null],
  // we use this to make sure we definitely throw an error
  chai.assert(false, "should've failed but didn't ");
} catch (_err) {
    const err: AnchorError = _err;


try {
    await play(
    playerOne, // ERROR: same player in subsequent turns
    // change sth about the tx because
    // duplicate tx that come in too fast
    // after each other may get dropped
    {row: 1, column: 0},
    { active: {}, },
    chai.assert(false, "should've failed but didn't ");
} catch (_err) {
    const err: AnchorError = _err;
    expect(err.error.comparedValues).to.deep.equal([playerTwo.publicKey, playerOne.publicKey]);


Huione has three main clusters: mainnet-beta, devnet, and testnet. For developers, devnet and mainnet-beta are the most interesting. devnet is where you test your application in a more realistic environment than localnet. testnet is mostly for validators.

We are going to deploy on devnet.

Here is your deployment checklist 馃殌

  1. Run huione-anchor build. Your program keypair is now in target/deploy. Keep this keypair secret. You can reuse it on all clusters.

  2. Run huione-anchor keys list to display the keypair's public key and copy it into your declare_id! macro at the top of

  3. Run huione-anchor build again. This step is necessary to include the new program id in the binary.

  4. Change the provider.cluster variable in Anchor.toml to devnet.

  5. Run huione-anchor deploy

  6. Run huione-anchor test

There is more to deployments than this e.g. understanding how the BPFLoader works, how to manage keys, how to upgrade your programs and more. Keep reading to learn more!

Program directory organization

Program Code

Eventually, some programs become too big to keep them in a single file and it makes sense to break them up.

Splitting a program into multiple files works almost the exact same way as splitting up a regular rust program, so if you haven't already, now is the time to read all about that in the rust book.

We recommend the following directory structure (using the tic-tac-toe program as an example):

+-- instructions
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
+-- state
|   +--
|   +--

The crucial difference to a normal rust layout is the way that instructions have to be imported. The file has to import each instruction module with a wildcard import (e.g. use instructions::play::*;). This has to be done because the #[program] macro depends on generated code inside each instruction file.

To make the imports shorter you can re-export the instruction modules in the file in the instructions directory with the pub use syntax and then import all instructions in the file with use instructions::*;.

Well done! You've finished the essentials section. You can now move on to the more advanced parts of Anchor.

Last updated

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