Cross-Program Invocations

Cross-Program Invocations

Often it's useful for programs to interact with each other. In Huione this is achieved via Cross-Program Invocations (CPIs).

Consider the following example of a puppet and a puppet master. Admittedly, it is not very realistic but it allows us to show you the many nuances of CPIs. The milestone project of the intermediate section covers a more realistic program with multiple CPIs.

Setting up basic CPI functionality

Create a new workspace

huione-anchor init puppet

and copy the following code.

use huione_anchor_lang::prelude::*;


pub mod puppet {
    use super::*;
    pub fn initialize(_ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {

    pub fn set_data(ctx: Context<SetData>, data: u64) -> Result<()> {
        let puppet = &mut ctx.accounts.puppet; = data;

pub struct Initialize<'info> {
    #[account(init, payer = user, space = 8 + 8)]
    pub puppet: Account<'info, Data>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

pub struct SetData<'info> {
    pub puppet: Account<'info, Data>,

pub struct Data {
    pub data: u64,

There's nothing special happening here. It's a pretty simple program! The interesting part is how it interacts with the next program we are going to create.


huione-anchor new puppet-master

inside the workspace and copy the following code:

use huione_anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use puppet::cpi::accounts::SetData;
use puppet::program::Puppet;
use puppet::{self, Data};


mod puppet_master {
    use super::*;
    pub fn pull_strings(ctx: Context<PullStrings>, data: u64) -> Result<()> {
        let cpi_program = ctx.accounts.puppet_program.to_account_info();
        let cpi_accounts = SetData {
            puppet: ctx.accounts.puppet.to_account_info(),
        let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts);
        puppet::cpi::set_data(cpi_ctx, data)

pub struct PullStrings<'info> {
    pub puppet: Account<'info, Data>,
    pub puppet_program: Program<'info, Puppet>,

Also add the line puppet_master = "HmbTLCmaGvZhKnn1Zfa1JVnp7vkMV4DYVxPLWBVoN65L" in the [programs.localnet] section of your Anchor.toml. Finally, import the puppet program into the puppet-master program by adding the following line to the [dependencies] section of the Cargo.toml file inside the puppet-master program folder:

puppet = { path = "../puppet", features = ["cpi"]}

The features = ["cpi"] is used so we can not only use puppet's types but also its instruction builders and cpi functions. Without those, we would have to use low level huione syscalls. Fortunately, huione-anchor provides abstractions on top of those. By enabling the cpi feature, the puppet-master program gets access to the puppet::cpi module. Anchor generates this module automatically and it contains tailor-made instructions builders and cpi helpers for the program.

In the case of the puppet program, the puppet-master uses the SetData instruction builder struct provided by the puppet::cpi::accounts module to submit the accounts the SetData instruction of the puppet program expects. Then, the puppet-master creates a new cpi context and passes it to the puppet::cpi::set_data cpi function. This function has the exact same function as the set_data function in the puppet program with the exception that it expects a CpiContext instead of a Context.

Setting up a CPI can distract from the business logic of the program so it's recommended to move the CPI setup into the impl block of the instruction. The puppet-master program then looks like this:

use huione_anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use puppet::cpi::accounts::SetData;
use puppet::program::Puppet;
use puppet::{self, Data};


mod puppet_master {
    use super::*;
    pub fn pull_strings(ctx: Context<PullStrings>, data: u64) -> Result<()> {
        puppet::cpi::set_data(ctx.accounts.set_data_ctx(), data)

pub struct PullStrings<'info> {
    pub puppet: Account<'info, Data>,
    pub puppet_program: Program<'info, Puppet>,

impl<'info> PullStrings<'info> {
    pub fn set_data_ctx(&self) -> CpiContext<'_, '_, '_, 'info, SetData<'info>> {
        let cpi_program = self.puppet_program.to_account_info();
        let cpi_accounts = SetData {
            puppet: self.puppet.to_account_info()
        CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts)

We can verify that everything works as expected by replacing the contents of the puppet.ts file with:

import * as huione-anchor from '';
import { Program } from '';
import { Keypair, SystemProgram } from '@huione/web3.js';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { Puppet } from '../target/types/puppet';
import { PuppetMaster } from '../target/types/puppet_master';

describe('puppet', () => {

  const puppetProgram = huione-anchor.workspace.Puppet as Program<Puppet>;
  const puppetMasterProgram = huione-anchor.workspace.PuppetMaster as Program<PuppetMaster>;

  const puppetKeypair = Keypair.generate();

  it('Does CPI!', async () => {
    await puppetProgram.methods
            puppet: puppetKeypair.publicKey,
            user: huione-anchor.getProvider().wallet.publicKey,

    await puppetMasterProgram.methods
        .pullStrings(new huione-anchor.BN(42))
            puppetProgram: puppetProgram.programId,
            puppet: puppetKeypair.publicKey


and running huione-anchor test.

Privilege Extension

CPIs extend the privileges of the caller to the callee. The puppet account was passed as a mutable account to the puppet-master but it was still mutable in the puppet program as well (otherwise the expect in the test would've failed). The same applies to signatures.

If you want to prove this for yourself, add an authority field to the Data struct in the puppet program.

pub struct Data {
    pub data: u64,
    pub authority: Pubkey

and adjust the initialize function:

pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>, authority: Pubkey) -> Result<()> {
    ctx.accounts.puppet.authority = authority;

Add 32 to the space constraint of the puppet field for the Pubkey field in the Data struct.

pub struct Initialize<'info> {
    #[account(init, payer = user, space = 8 + 8 + 32)]
    pub puppet: Account<'info, Data>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

Then, adjust the SetData validation struct:

pub struct SetData<'info> {
    #[account(mut, has_one = authority)]
    pub puppet: Account<'info, Data>,
    pub authority: Signer<'info>

The has_one constraint checks that puppet.authority = authority.key().

The puppet-master program now also needs adjusting:

use huione_anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use puppet::cpi::accounts::SetData;
use puppet::program::Puppet;
use puppet::{self, Data};


mod puppet_master {
    use super::*;
    pub fn pull_strings(ctx: Context<PullStrings>, data: u64) -> Result<()> {
        puppet::cpi::set_data(ctx.accounts.set_data_ctx(), data)

pub struct PullStrings<'info> {
    pub puppet: Account<'info, Data>,
    pub puppet_program: Program<'info, Puppet>,
    // Even though the puppet program already checks that authority is a signer
    // using the Signer type here is still required because the huione-anchor ts client
    // can not infer signers from programs called via CPIs
    pub authority: Signer<'info>

impl<'info> PullStrings<'info> {
    pub fn set_data_ctx(&self) -> CpiContext<'_, '_, '_, 'info, SetData<'info>> {
        let cpi_program = self.puppet_program.to_account_info();
        let cpi_accounts = SetData {
            puppet: self.puppet.to_account_info(),
            authority: self.authority.to_account_info()
        CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts)

Finally, change the test:

import * as huione-anchor from '';
import { Program } from '';
import { Keypair, SystemProgram } from '@huione/web3.js';
import { Puppet } from '../target/types/puppet';
import { PuppetMaster } from '../target/types/puppet_master';
import { expect } from 'chai';

describe('puppet', () => {

  const puppetProgram = huione-anchor.workspace.Puppet as Program<Puppet>;
  const puppetMasterProgram = huione-anchor.workspace.PuppetMaster as Program<PuppetMaster>;

  const puppetKeypair = Keypair.generate();
  const authorityKeypair = Keypair.generate();

  it('Does CPI!', async () => {
    await puppetProgram.methods
            puppet: puppetKeypair.publicKey,
            user: huione-anchor.getProvider().wallet.publicKey,

    await puppetMasterProgram.methods
        .pullStrings(new huione-anchor.BN(42))
            puppetProgram: puppetProgram.programId,
            puppet: puppetKeypair.publicKey,
            authority: authorityKeypair.publicKey


The test passes because the signature that was given to the puppet-master by the authority was then extended to the puppet program which used it to check that the authority for the puppet account had signed the transaction.

Privilege extension is convenient but also dangerous. If a CPI is unintentionally made to a malicious program, this program has the same privileges as the caller. Anchor protects you from CPIs to malicious programs with two measures. First, the Program<'info, T> type checks that the given account is the expected program T. Should you ever forget to use the Program type, the automatically generated cpi function (in the previous example this was puppet::cpi::set_data) also checks that the cpi_program argument equals the expected program.

Reloading an Account

In the puppet program, the Account<'info, T> type is used for the puppet account. If a CPI edits an account of that type, the caller's account does not change during the instruction.

You can easily see this for yourself by adding the following right after the puppet::cpi::set_data(ctx.accounts.set_data_ctx(), data) cpi call.

puppet::cpi::set_data(ctx.accounts.set_data_ctx(), data)?;
if != 42 {

Now your test will fail. But why? After all the test used to pass, so the cpi definitely did change the data field to 42.

The reason the data field has not been updated to 42 in the caller is that at the beginning of the instruction the Account<'info, T> type deserializes the incoming bytes into a new struct. This struct is no longer connected to the underlying data in the account. The CPI changes the data in the underlying account but since the struct in the caller has no connection to the underlying account the struct in the caller remains unchanged.

If you need to read the value of an account that has just been changed by a CPI, you can call its reload method which will re-deserialize the account. If you put ctx.accounts.puppet.reload()?; right after the cpi call, the test will pass again.

puppet::cpi::set_data(ctx.accounts.set_data_ctx(), data)?;
if != 42 {

Returning values from a CPI

Since 1.8.12, the set_return_data and get_return_data syscalls can be used to set and get return data from CPIs. While these can already be used in huione-anchor programs, huione-anchor does not yet provide abstractions on top of them.

The return data can only be max 1024 bytes with these syscalls so it's worth briefly explaining the old workaround for CPI return values which is still relevant for return values bigger than 1024 bytes.

By using a CPI together with reload it's possible to simulate return values. One could imagine that instead of just setting the data field to 42 the puppet program did some calculation with the 42 and saved the result in data. The puppet-master can then call reload after the cpi and use the result of the puppet program's calculation.

Programs as Signers

There's one more thing that can be done with CPIs. But for that, you need to first learn what PDAs are. We'll cover those in the next chapter.

Last updated

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