Local development

Local Development Quickstart

This quickstart guide will demonstrate how to quickly install and setup your local development environment, getting you ready to start developing and deploying Huione programs to the blockchain.

What you will learn

  • How to install the Huione CLI locally

  • How to setup a localhost Huione cluster/validator

  • How to create a Huione wallet for developing

  • How to airdrop Huione tokens for your wallet

Install the Huione CLI

To interact with the Huione clusters from your terminal, install the Huione CLI tool suite on your local system:

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.huione.org/stable/install)"

Setup a localhost blockchain cluster

The Huione CLI comes with the test validator built in.

This command line tool will allow you to run a full blockchain cluster on your machine.


PRO TIP: Run the Huione test validator in a new/separate terminal window that will remain open. The command line program must remain running for your localhost cluster to remain online and ready for action.

Configure your Huione CLI to use your localhost validator for all your future terminal commands:

huione config set --url localhost

At any time, you can view your current Huione CLI configuration settings:

Huione config get

Create a file system wallet

To deploy a program with Huione CLI, you will need a Huione wallet with Huione tokens to pay for the cost of transactions.

Let's create a simple file system wallet for testing:

huione-keygen new

By default, the huione-keygen command will create a new file system wallet located at ~/.config/huione/id.json. You can manually specify the output file location using the --outfile /path option.

NOTE: If you already have a file system wallet saved at the default location, this command will NOT override it (unless you explicitly force override using the --force flag).

Set your new wallet as default#

With your new file system wallet created, you must tell the Huione CLI to use this wallet to deploy and take ownership of your on chain program:

huione config set -k ~/.config/huione/id.json

Airdrop huione tokens to your wallet

Once your new wallet is set as the default, you can request a free airdrop of huione tokens to it:

huione airdrop 2

NOTE: The huione airdrop command has a limit of how many Huione tokens can be requested per airdrop for each cluster (localhost, testnet, or devent). If your airdrop transaction fails, lower your airdrop request quantity and try again.

You can check your current wallet's Huione balance any time:

huione balance

Next steps

See the links below to learn more about writing Rust based Huione programs:

  • Create and deploy a Huione Rust program

  • Overview of writing huione programs

Last updated

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