Token Program
Token Program A Token program on the Huione blockchain.
This program defines a common implementation for Fungible and Non Fungible tokens.
The Token Program's source is available on github
The Token Program is written in Rust and available on and
Auto-generated C bindings are also available here
JavaScript bindings are available that support loading the Token Program on to a chain and issue instructions.
See the PPL Associated Token Account program for convention around wallet address to token account mapping and funding.
Reference Guide
The hpl-token command-line utility can be used to experiment with HPL tokens. Once you have Rust installed, run:
Run hpl-token --help for a full description of available commands.
The hpl-token configuration is shared with the Huione command-line tool.
Current Configuration
Cluster RPC URL
See Huione clusters for cluster-specific RPC URLs
Default Keypair
See Keypair conventions for information on how to setup a keypair if you don't already have one.
Keypair File
Hardware Wallet URL (See URL spec)
Airdrop huione
Creating tokens and accounts requires Huione for account rent deposits and transaction fees. If the cluster you are targeting offers a faucet, you can get a little Huione for testing:
Example: Creating your own fungible token
The unique identifier of the token is AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM.
Tokens when initially created by hpl-token have no supply:
Let's mint some.
First create an account to hold a balance of the new AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM token:
7UX2i7SucgLMQcfZ75s3VXmZZY4YRUyJN9X1RgfMoDUi is now an empty account:
Mint 100 tokens into the account:
The token supply and account balance now reflect the result of minting:
Example: View all Tokens that you own
Example: Wrapping Huione in a Token
When you want to wrap Huione, you can send Huione to an associated token account on the native mint and call syncNative. syncNative updates the amount field on the token account to match the amount of wrapped Huione available.
That Huione is only retrievable by closing the token account and choosing the desired address to send the token account's lamports.
To unwrap the Token back to Huione:
Note: Some lamports were removed for transaction fees
Example: Transferring tokens to another user
First the receiver uses hpl-token create-account to create their associated token account for the Token type.
Then the receiver obtains their wallet address by running Huione address and provides it to the sender.
The sender then runs:
Example: Transferring tokens to another user, with sender-funding
If the receiver does not yet have an associated token account, the sender may choose to fund the receiver's account.
The receiver obtains their wallet address by running huione address and provides it to the sender.
The sender then runs to fund the receiver's associated token account, at the sender's expense, and then transfers 50 tokens into it:
Example: Transferring tokens to an explicit recipient token account
Tokens may be transferred to a specific recipient token account.
The recipient token account must already exist and be of the same Token type.
Multisig usage
The main difference in hpl-token command line usage when referencing multisig accounts is in specifying the --owner argument. Typically the signer specified by this argument directly provides a signature granting its authority, but in the multisig case it just points to the address of the multisig account. Signatures are then provided by the multisig signer-set members specified by the --multisig-signer argument.
Multisig accounts can be used for any authority on an HPL Token mint or token account.
Mint account mint authority:hpl-token mint ...,hpl-token authorize ... mint ...
Mint account freeze authority:hpl-token freeze ...,hpl-token thaw ...,hpl-token authorize ... freeze ...
Token account owner authority:hpl-token transfer ...,hpl-token approve ...,hpl-token revoke ...,hpl-token burn ...,hpl-token wrap ...,hpl-token unwrap ...,hpl-token authorize ... owner ...
Token account close authority:hpl-token close ...,hpl-token authorize ... close ...
Example: Mint with multisig authority
First create keypairs to act as the multisig signer-set. In reality, these can be any supported signer, like: a Ledger hardware wallet, a keypair file, or a paper wallet. For convenience, generated keypairs will be used in this example.
In order to create the multisig account, the public keys of the signer-set must be collected.
Now the multisig account can be created with the hpl-token create-multisig subcommand. Its first positional argument is the minimum number of signers (M) that must sign a transaction affecting a token/mint account that is controlled by this multisig account. The remaining positional arguments are the public keys of all keypairs allowed (N) to sign for the multisig account. This example will use a "2 of 3" multisig account. That is, two of the three allowed keypairs must sign all transactions.
NOTE: HPL Token Multisig accounts are limited to a signer-set of eleven signers (1 <= N <= 11) and minimum signers must be no more than N (1 <= M <= N)
Next create the token mint and receiving accounts as previously described and set the mint account's minting authority to the multisig account
To demonstrate that the mint account is now under control of the multisig account, attempting to mint with one multisig signer fails
But repeating with a second multisig signer, succeeds
Example: Offline signing with multisig
Sometimes online signing is not possible or desireable. Such is the case for example when signers are not in the same geographic location or when they use air-gapped devices not connected to the network. In this case, we use offline signing which combines the previous examples of multisig with offline signing and a nonce account.
This example will use the same mint account, token account, multisig account, and multisig signer-set keypair filenames as the online example, as well as a nonce account that we create here:
For the fee-payer and nonce-authority roles, a local hot wallet at 5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE will be used.
First a template command is built by specifying all signers by their public key. Upon running this command, all signers will be listed as "Absent Signers" in the output. This command will be run by each offline signer to generate the corresponding signature.
NOTE: The argument to the --blockhash parameter is the "Nonce blockhash:" field from the designated durable nonce account.
Next each offline signer will take the transaction buffer and sign it with their corresponding key.
Finally, the hot wallet will take the transaction, serialize it, and broadcast it to the network.
JSON RPC methods
There is a rich set of JSON RPC methods available for use with HPL Token:
See for more details.
Additionally the versatile getProgramAccounts JSON RPC method can be employed in various ways to fetch HPL Token accounts of interest.
Finding all token accounts for a specific mint
To find all token accounts for the TESTpKgj42ya3st2SQTKiANjTBmncQSCqLAZGcPPLGM mint:
The "dataSize": 165 filter selects all Token Accounts, and then the "memcmp": ... filter selects based on the mint address within each token account.
Finding all token accounts for a wallet
Find all token accounts owned by the vines1vzrYbzLMRdu58ou5XTby4qAqVRLmqo36NKPTg user:
The "dataSize": 165 filter selects all Token Accounts, and then the "memcmp": ... filter selects based on the owner address within each token account.
Operational overview
Creating a new token type
A new token type can be created by initializing a new Mint with the InitializeMint instruction. The Mint is used to create or "mint" new tokens, and these tokens are stored in Accounts.
A Mint is associated with each Account, which means that the total supply of a particular token type is equal to the balances of all the associated Accounts.
It's important to note that the InitializeMint instruction does not require the Huione account being initialized also be a signer.
The InitializeMint instruction should be atomically processed with the system instruction that creates the Huione account by including both instructions in the same transaction.
Once a Mint is initialized, the mint_authority can create new tokens using the MintTo instruction.
As long as a Mint contains a valid mint_authority, the Mint is considered to have a non-fixed supply, and the mint_authority can create new tokens with the MintTo instruction at any time.
The SetAuthority instruction can be used to irreversibly set the Mint's authority to None, rendering the Mint's supply fixed.
No further tokens can ever be Minted.
Token supply can be reduced at any time by issuing a Burn instruction which removes and discards tokens from an Account.
Creating accounts
Accounts hold token balances and are created using the InitializeAccount instruction.
Each Account has an owner who must be present as a signer in some instructions.
An Account's owner may transfer ownership of an account to another using the SetAuthority instruction.
It's important to note that the InitializeAccount instruction does not require the Huione account being initialized also be a signer.
The InitializeAccount instruction should be atomically processed with the system instruction that creates the Huione account by including both instructions in the same transaction.
Transferring tokens
Balances can be transferred between Accounts using the Transfer instruction.
The owner of the source Account must be present as a signer in the Transfer instruction when the source and destination accounts are different.
It's important to note that when the source and destination of a Transfer are the same, the Transfer will always succeed.
Therefore, a successful Transfer does not necessarily imply that the involved Accounts were valid PPL Token accounts, that any tokens were moved, or that the source Account was present as a signer.
We strongly recommend that developers are careful about checking that the source and destination are different before invoking a Transfer instruction from within their program.
The Burn instruction decreases an Account's token balance without transferring to another Account, effectively removing the token from circulation permanently.
There is no other way to reduce supply on chain. This is similar to transferring to an account with unknown private key or destroying a private key.
But the act of burning by using Burn instructions is more explicit and can be confirmed on chain by any parties.
Authority delegation
Account owners may delegate authority over some or all of their token balance using the Approve instruction. Delegated authorities may transfer or burn up to the amount they've been delegated.
Authority delegation may be revoked by the Account's owner via the Revoke instruction.
M of N multisignatures are supported and can be used in place of Mint authorities or Account owners or delegates.
Multisignature authorities must be initialized with the InitializeMultisig instruction. Initialization specifies the set of N public keys that are valid and the number M of those N that must be present as instruction signers for the authority to be legitimate.
It's important to note that the InitializeMultisig instruction does not require the Huione account being initialized also be a signer.
The InitializeMultisig instruction should be atomically processed with the system instruction that creates the Huione account by including both instructions in the same transaction.
Freezing accounts
The Mint may also contain a freeze_authority which can be used to issue FreezeAccount instructions that will render an Account unusable.
Token instructions that include a frozen account will fail until the Account is thawed using the ThawAccount instruction.
The SetAuthority instruction can be used to change a Mint's freeze_authority. If a Mint's freeze_authority is set to None then account freezing and thawing is permanently disabled and all currently frozen accounts will also stay frozen permanently.
Wrapping Huione
The Token Program can be used to wrap native Huione.
Doing so allows native Huione to be treated like any other Token program token type and can be useful when being called from other programs that interact with the Token Program's interface.
Accounts containing wrapped HC are associated with a specific Mint called the "Native Mint" using the public key So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112.
These accounts have a few unique behaviors
InitializeAccount sets the balance of the initialized Account to the Huione balance of the Huione account being initialized, resulting in a token balance equal to the Huione balance.
Transfers to and from not only modify the token balance but also transfer an equal amount of Huione from the source account to the destination account.
Burning is not supported
When closing an Account the balance may be non-zero.
The Native Mint supply will always report 0, regardless of how much Huione is currently wrapped.
To ensure a reliable calculation of supply, a consistency valid Mint, and consistently valid Multisig accounts all Huione accounts holding an Account, Mint, or Multisig must contain enough Huione to be considered rent exempt
Closing accounts
An account may be closed using the CloseAccount instruction. When closing an Account, all remaining Huione will be transferred to another Huione account (doesn't have to be associated with the Token Program). Non-native Accounts must have a balance of zero to be closed.
Wallet Integration Guide
This section describes how to integrate HPL Token support into an existing wallet supporting native Huione. It assumes a model whereby the user has a single system account as their main wallet address that they send and receive Huione from.
Although all HPL Token accounts do have their own address on-chain, there's no need to surface these additional addresses to the user.
There are two programs that are used by the wallet:
HPL Token program: generic program that is used by all HPL Tokens
HPL Associated Token Account program: defines the convention and provides the mechanism for mapping the user's wallet address to the associated token accounts they hold.
How to fetch and display token holdings
The getTokenAccountsByOwner JSON RPC method can be used to fetch all token accounts for a wallet address.
For each token mint, the wallet could have multiple token accounts: the associated token account and/or other ancillary token accounts
By convention it is suggested that wallets roll up the balances from all token accounts of the same token mint into a single balance for the user to shield the user from this complexity.
See the Garbage Collecting Ancillary Token Accounts section for suggestions on how the wallet should clean up ancillary token accounts on the user's behalf.
Associated Token Account
Before the user can receive tokens, their associated token account must be created on-chain, requiring a small amount of Huione to mark the account as rent-exempt.
There's no restriction on who can create a user's associated token account.
It could either be created by the wallet on behalf of the user or funded by a 3rd party through an airdrop campaign.
The creation process is described here.
It's highly recommended that the wallet create the associated token account for a given HPL Token itself before indicating to the user that they are able to receive that HPL Tokens type (typically done by showing the user their receiving address).
A wallet that chooses to not perform this step may limit its user's ability to receive HPL Tokens from other wallets.
Sample "Add Token" workflow
The user should first fund their associated token account when they want to receive HPL Tokens of a certain type to:
Maximize interoperability with other wallet implementations
Avoid pushing the cost of creating their associated token account on the first sender
The wallet should provide a UI that allow the users to "add a token". The user selects the kind of token, and is presented with information about how much Huione it will cost to add the token.
Upon confirmation, the wallet creates the associated token type as the described here.
Sample "Airdrop campaign" workflow
For each recipient wallet addresses, send a transaction containing:
Create the associated token account on the recipient's behalf.
Use TokenInstruction::Transfer to complete the transfer
Associated Token Account Ownership ⚠️ The wallet should never use TokenInstruction::SetAuthority to set the AccountOwner authority of the associated token account to another address.
Ancillary Token Accounts
At any time ownership of an existing HPL Token account may be assigned to the user. One way to accomplish this is with the ppl-token authorize <TOKEN_ADDRESS> owner <USER_ADDRESS> command. Wallets should be prepared to gracefully manage token accounts that they themselves did not create for the user.
Transferring Tokens Between Wallets
The preferred method of transferring tokens between wallets is to transfer into associated token account of the recipient.
The recipient must provide their main wallet address to the sender. The sender then:
Derives the associated token account for the recipient
Fetches the recipient's associated token account over RPC and checks that it exists
If the recipient's associated token account does not yet exist, the sender wallet should create the recipient's associated token account as described here. The sender's wallet may choose to inform the user that as a result of account creation the transfer will require more HC than normal. However a wallet that chooses to not support creating the recipient's associated token account at this time should present a message to the user with enough information to permit them to find a workaround (such as transferring the token through a fully compliant intermediary wallet such as to allow the users to accomplish their goal
Use TokenInstruction::Transfer to complete the transfer
The sender's wallet must not require that the recipient's main wallet address hold a balance before allowing the transfer.
Registry for token details
At the moment there exist two solutions for Token Mint registries:
hard coded addresses in the wallet or dapp hpl-token-registry package, maintained at A decentralized solution is in progress.
Garbage Collecting Ancillary Token Accounts
Wallets should empty ancillary token accounts as quickly as practical by transferring into the user's associated token account. This effort serves two purposes:
If the user is the close authority for the ancillary account, the wallet can reclaim Huione for the user by closing the account.
If the ancillary account was funded by a 3rd party, once the account is emptied that 3rd party may close the account and reclaim the Huione.
One natural time to garbage collect ancillary token accounts is when the user next sends tokens. The additional instructions to do so can be added to the existing transaction, and will not require an additional fee.
Cleanup Pseudo Steps:
For all non-empty ancillary token accounts, add a TokenInstruction::Transfer instruction to the transfer the full token amount to the user's associated token account.
For all empty ancillary token accounts where the user is the close authority, add a TokenInstruction::CloseAccount instruction
If adding one or more of clean up instructions cause the transaction to exceed the maximum allowed transaction size, remove those extra clean up instructions. They can be cleaned up during the next send operation.
The hpl-token gc command provides an example implementation of this cleanup process.
Token Vesting
There are currently two solutions available for vesting HPL tokens:
Bonfida token-vesting
This program allows you to lock arbitrary HPL tokens and release the locked tokens with a determined unlock schedule. An unlock schedule is made of a unix timestamp and a token amount, when initializing a vesting contract, the creator can pass an array of unlock schedule with an arbitrary size giving the creator of the contract complete control of how the tokens unlock over time.
Unlocking works by pushing a permissionless crank on the contract that moves the tokens to the pre-specified address. The recipient address of a vesting contract can be modified by the owner of the current recipient key, meaning that vesting contract locked tokens can be traded.
Audit: The audit was conducted by Kudelski, the report can be found here
Streamflow Timelock Enables creation, withdrawal, cancelation and transfer of token vesting contracts using time-based lock and escrow accounts. Contracts are by default cancelable by the creator and transferable by the recipient.
Vesting contract creator chooses various options upon creation, such as:
HPL token and amount to be vested
exact start and end date
(optional) cliff date and amount
(optional) release frequency
Coming soon:
whether or not a contract is transferable by creator/recipient
whether or not a contract is cancelable by creator/recipient
Audit: Reports can be found here and here.
Application with the UI:
JS SDK: (source)
Rust SDK: (source)
Program code:
Last updated
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